
Sunday, 10 May 2015

Employment so far!

Photo from
Hey, sorry for gap between this and my last post - it has been a very busy time for me! Since then, I have:
. Completed the A320 family type rating LST
. Had an induction at Thomas Cook
. Had an Airbus A321 differences course
. Had some simulator sessions with Thomas Cook, leading to the LPC/OPC (Line Proficiency Check/Operator Proficiency Check)
. Had a base training sim
So first things first! The LST for the A320 type rating was done at CTC with a CAA examiner. It included things such as:
- Full start up from cold and dark
- Departure for given route (EGPH - EGNT)
- Engine issues, leading to a diversion to EGPF
- Single engine ILS and landing
- Raw data ILS
- Non precision approach (I was given an NDB/DME full procedural approach)
- Minor/major failures (a few of each), to show ECAM discipline, situational awareness, technical      knowledge and decision making/cooperation with the other crew member
- Single engine go around
- Rejected takeoff
- Full shut down
Once the LST was complete we then commenced our initial low visibility operations training with the examiner. We did 4 approaches each, including go around as well as full stop landings. It is very strange just sitting there as you get closer to the ground without seeing a thing...
7 of us new recruits!
 We finished the LST on a Friday, before heading up to Manchester for our Thomas Cook induction on the Monday. This was in Thomas Cook's HQ (it is a huge hangar on the airfield with Thomas Cook written all over - you can't miss it!). Here we had a presentation about the company, met some of the senior management, wandered around on a brand new A321 and got our uniforms! That week we also had some training, which was primarily to do with A321 differences and new technology in the aircraft. Whilst up in Manchester I had to go and visit the famous airport viewing park! 
 The Avro RJX, which unfortunately never entered major production or service
One of my favourite historical aircraft - the Trident! 
Just a bit different to the A320 flight deck I have gotten used to...
The flight engineers panel
There have been a few sims also, leading to the LPC/OPC. This was pretty similar to the LST, although was done with a Thomas Cook training captain.
Yesterday I had my base training sim, which was basically two hours of circuits in the Airbus. I did some full stop landings, some touch and goes, a 20 knot crosswind circuit, a night circuit, and also a night go around. Was great fun, and was the first sim in a very long time which hasn't been malfunction after malfunction!
I am going back to Manchester next week for the SEP (security and emergency procedures training) and base training will hopefully be in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! 
I was up in Newcastle last week exploring my base!
Not long now!
Millenium Bridge
There's been a fair amount of commuting recently!