
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Day 2 of ground school

The sim hall, with the full motion B737 800 sim in action
Having finished my second day of ground school, I thought it might be good to do a quick post about the work so far. The quantity of it is very high and we are expected to continue working when we are back home in order to keep up with the course. So far we have been doing Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK), which is one of the larger topics; airframes, fatigue, hydraulics, landing gear, and braking are just some of the things we have covered so far. We have another day of AGK this week, with Thursday being a CBT (Classroom Based Training) day at home before we move on to Principles of Flight on Friday.

We found out today that there have been sim sessions booked for us in a couple of weeks for 'learning' (playing!), which is fantastic motivation and a great reminder as to why we are here.

Although the workload is quite high, I think I am managing okay so far and am really surprised at how much I have learnt about aircraft in just a matter of days;  I'm extremely excited to see just how much I will know in a few month's time!

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