Feeling very guilty this weekend for not question banking! |
Well, this has been one massively long week -
EXAM WEEK! The Module 1 exams started on Tuesday, where I did Principles of Flight and Aircraft General Knowledge; Wednesday was Instrumentation, Thursday Meteorology, then yesterday was Air Law and then VFR and IFR Communications. I should hopefully find out my results in a few week's time, although by then I will be snugly into Module 2 (I begin General Navigation on Tuesday). Instead of going to Gatwick to take the exams we do them at the CTC Nursling Training Centre, where a CAA invigilator runs the exams for both Mod 1 and 2 in the same week. As expected the exams were, you guessed it, in exam conditions, meaning lots of single well spaced out desks, see-through pencil cases and water bottles and a big ticking clock at the front of the room. They are all multiple choice (A, B, C or D), so thankfully no monster essays to write! Each exam is different in its number of questions and how much time you have to complete it:
Principles of Flight; 44 questions; 60 mins
Aircraft General Knowledge; 80 questions; 120 mins
Instrumentation; 60 questions; 90 mins
Meteorology; 84 questions; 120 mins
Air Law; 44 questions; 60 mins
VFR Comms; 24 questions; 30 mins
IFR Comms; 24 questions; 30 mins
Knowing that I am halfway there already has made me realise just how little time it will be until I'm out in New Zealand, as it feels like only a few weeks ago I was on my APD!
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